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Hubzilla Documentació:


Comptes, Perfils i Canals

Una vegada t'has registrat amb un compte al servei, també has de crear un perfil i un canal.

Tens i]un[/i] compte. Això consisteix en una adreça de correu electrònic i una contrasenya. Amb el teu compte pots accedit al teu perfil i al teu canal.
Pensa en el teu compte com una via per autenticar-te al teu lloc Hubzilla. Et permet fer coses com, crear perfils i canals amb els que podràs  amb altres persones.

Segurament t'has registrat a altres serveis a internet, com fòrums, o comunicacions en línia. Per a tots ells proveeixes alguna informació de tu, data de naixement, país, edat, i que es el que d'agrada.
Unlike other services Hubzilla offers you the advantage of creating many more profiles. That way you are able to distinguish between profiles targeted specially at everyone (your public profile), your work mates, your family and your partner.
Think of your profile as the basic information about yourself you tell other people.

During the registration you created your first channel. Yes, besides several profiles you are able to have several channels. This might be a bit confusing in the beginning, but let's clear things up. You already have created one channel. You can use this one for the public, to communicate with people about every day life. But perhaps you are an avid book reader and many people are bored by that. So  you open a second channel just for the book lovers, where you all can talk about books as much as you like. Obviously this is a new stream of posts, with a new profile (... or new profiles ...) and completely different contacts. Some connections might exist in both channels, but there will be some that are exclusive to only one of both. You yourself just switch between both of them just like you would in real life switch when talking to people you meet on the street or people you meet specially to talk about books. You can even connect to yourself, or better: to your other channel. :)
Think of a channel as different spaces dedicated to different topics where you meet with different people.

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